For Immediate Release: June 16, 2011
Renew Growing Greener Coalition Applauds Chester County for Resolution Calling for Renewal of State Funding to Protect Environment
Chester County Joins Nearly 90 Municipalities and Counties Urging Support for Growing Greener
(WEST CHESTER, PA) The Renew Growing Greener Coalition today applauded the Chester County Board of Commissioners for passing a resolution calling for the renewal of Growing Greener, the state’s primary source of funding to help local communities preserve open space and farmland, protect water quality, and enhance parks, trails and recreational opportunities.
“Funding for Growing Greener will dry up unless the state Legislature and Governor Corbett act now to renew it,” said Andrew Heath, Executive Director of the Renew Growing Greener Coalition. “County Commissioners and Pennsylvanians from across the Commonwealth understand the incredible importance of renewing funding to the Environmental Stewardship Fund for Growing Greener in order to ensure families have access to clean drinking water, fresh air and green open spaces.”
“Growing Greener has provided tremendous support for preservation and conservation efforts throughout Chester County,” said Terence Farrell, chairman of the Chester County Board of Commissioners. “The Commissioners urge the Governor and the Legislature to renew funding for Growing Greener. Without it, Chester County may not be the special place it is today.” …