March 2014
Monthly Message from Pennsylvania Growing Greener Coalition
Dear Coalition Supporters and Friends:
I’m happy to report that following months of research and development, the Pennsylvania Growing Greener Coalition’s Guide to Finding the Green is available!
We understand that as funding programs are being reduced or eliminated altogether, it is becoming increasingly difficult for non-profits and local governments to access much needed resources.
The purpose of this single-source guide is to provide an overview of funding opportunities that may be of help to you. The guide contains a thorough listing of state funding programs for conservation, preservation and recreation projects, including the more recent funding made available from Act 13 of 2012.
In addition to a list of specific grant opportunities, you’ll find tips on how to apply and where to go for more information.
The guide is available for download on our website and will be updated regularly as we gather new information so be sure to check back often. We have a limited number of print versions as well. If you’re interested in obtaining hard copies, please contact me for more information.
A heartfelt “thank you” to all the agency staff who helped pull this information together. This would not have been possible without their cooperation.
We hope that this guide will make it easier for you to find the green, and we welcome your feedback on its content and usefulness.
As you are aware, Governor Corbett’s proposed budget eliminates funding for the Heritage Areas Program, despite the fact that it generates hundreds of millions of dollars in state revenues by supporting jobs and bringing business to the region.
We are monitoring budget negotiations on an ongoing basis and continue to advocate for restored funding for the program.
During an appropriations hearing last month, Rep. Deberah Kula, D-52, and Rep. William Adolph, R-165, voiced their support for the Heritage Areas Program. In fact, Rep. Kula called Heritage Areas funding “money well spent.” We appreciate their efforts and will continue to work with them and other members of the House and Senate to restore Heritage Areas funding to next year’s budget.
The scene was similar in the Senate appropriations hearing when Sen. David Argall, R-29 and Sen. John Rafferty, R-44, both expressed their support for the program and concern over the lack of dedicated funding. The Coalition looks forward to working with these members to identify ways to restore and expand the Heritage Areas Program funding in the budget.
In other news, the Coalition was honored to participate in the 67th Annual Pennsylvania Recreation & Park Society State Conference. We led two presentations during the five-day event, which took place at Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Seven Springs, PA.
The first session, entitled “Advocacy 101,” explained the proper and most effective ways to conduct local and state level advocacy in Pennsylvania.
The second session, “Wading Through the Dollars and Cents – Act 13,” provided an overview of Growing Greener, Keystone ’93 and Act 13 funding opportunities, and offered suggestions on how to access the dollars available.
We enjoy participating in events like this and would love to attend your conference, board meeting or another gathering to discuss the Coalition’s work and any other issues that may be of interest to you.
As always, we appreciate your ongoing partnership and support.
Please contact me if you would like more information about the work of the Coalition or would like to make a donation.
And don’t forget to stay connected to the Coalition through Facebook and Twitter!
Andrew Heath