Restore PA was announced in 2019 as a plan to fund environmental and infrastructure investments through a severance tax.
Restore PA Summary – external link a PDF from the Governor’s Office
Restore PA Press Release – external link to the Governor’s Press Release
Summary of Conservation Investments in Restore PA
- Green stormwater infrastructure that reduces flooding and keeps dangerous pollutants out of waterways (e.g., rain gardens, street trees, and bioswales).
- Stream and floodplain restoration projects that improve wildlife habitat while preventing erosion and downstream floods.
- Infrastructure that protects communities from rising floodwaters (e.g., dams, levees, and flood walls).
- Creative solutions to help municipalities move forward with pollution-reduction plans to meet stormwater mandates and protect homes and businesses from destructive flooding.
- Remediation of abandoned mines that scar the landscape and pollute waterways.
- Conservation of areas that supply drinking water for communities, reduce flooding by absorbing massive amounts of stormwater, and provide other benefits to communities.
- Preservation of farmland that provides the food we eat and is the backbone of rural economies.
- Crucial infrastructure in state parks and forests (e.g., roads, dams, and bridges), which host millions of visitors each year and support local economies.
- Trails and parks that help communities thrive.
- Cleanup of brownfields and blighted properties, which can transform from unused and dangerous spaces into hubs for community revitalization and economic growth.
- Removal of lead and other toxic contaminants (e.g., found in paint on old homes or water pipes) that threaten public health.
- Public transportation systems that increase mobility and access to opportunities while also reducing carbon emissions.